25 thoughts on “Arsenal FC – Episode 3 North London Derby | Football Manager 2015 Let’s Play

  1. Sterling is a fantastic player! I’m with Liverpool and so far he has scored
    7 goals and made 5 assists in 6 games. Fantastic player! And so are
    Sturridge and Lallana. Impressive trio upfront.

  2. FM15 Beta match engine makes me fucking rage. Goalkeepers spilling balls at
    light crosses, crazy longshots being scored when the player who shot has
    only like 5 long shots, ffs. Anybody has tips to counter this? Thanks

  3. i actually think as a big fan of your channel if you wanted to live stream
    all the episodes we would support you as your doing a great job keep it up

  4. What does the black star mean on some players potential, does it mean they
    could reach it if they did really well or something else?

  5. Hey man, I’m doing an Arsenal Career aswell if you want to check it out! 😉
    I’m going a completely different direction though!

  6. can you show how your scouting is set up/how you look for players in the
    new scouting system?

  7. I’m surprised you haven’t signed Valdes, you could always do with better

  8. I’m doing an arsenal save to, and I want to play the same formation, with a
    shadow striker, but I do not want sterling any sussgestions 

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